Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center is the largest hospital in the northwest region between Seattle and Salt Lake City, UT. We are currently recruiting a Urologist to build our new service line. With a service area of over 600,000 EIRMC and the community can easily support 2 more Urologist. We currently are the only Pediatric ICU between Seatle, WA and Salt Lake City, UT. Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center has plans to also become the only level 2 Pediatric Trauma Center in the region.
The 290-bed Level 2 Trauma Center has a 29-bed Level 1 ICU (including a 6 bed burn unit) that covers Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Critical Care doctors and advanced practice providers staff the ICU at night. There are plans to become a designated Pediatric Level 2 Trauma Center by 2026. The emergency department has emergency medicine trained and certified doctors, seeing around 60,000 annual visits, and has nurses certified in TNCC, PALS, and ENPC. The PICU is covered by pediatric intensivists, pediatric Critical Care RNs, respiratory therapists, and physical rehab staff. The Level 3 NICU is covered by neonatologists and NNPs, with an unspecified number of beds and average daily census. The hospital also has a Ronald McDonald room and residency programs in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, and Pharmacy. They host an annual wound care conference and are a Primary Stroke Center.