IGH has been around for over 40 years, serving the people of Indianapolis and the surrounding communities. They are closely affiliated with St. Francis, and provide services for Community Hospital, Decatur Hospital, Major Hospital, and Schneck Hospital.
Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology has been around since 1975, serving the community of Indianapolis for over 40 years now. Indianapolis Monthly Magazine has selected multiple of the partners to be “Top Doctors” for the region. Doctors from the practice routinely receive regional and national recognition for their clinical abilities and commitment to patient care. In addition, Indy Gastro commits itself to an ethic of community service and education and strives for excellence in everything they do.
Indy Gastro has located its main office on the campus of St. Francis Hospital, about 10 minutes south of downtown Indianapolis. The office includes 20 exam rooms, typically 2 per doctor, with Thursday currently being the busiest day in the clinic. They have open access procedure scheduling, with 3 patient advocates who assist with this process at check out. Physicians share workspaces, but each has a private desk. The open workspace idea facilitates communication and allows the doctors and office staff to work together to provide a high level of patient care.
Indianapolis Gastroenterology and Hepatology has built strong relationships with many local and regional based primary care physicians. Some of the current referral patterns extend out to 50 to 75 miles and are based on having a long term, service-oriented relationship with a specific referral group. These groups have some very long histories of referral links to specific doctors within the IGH organization.
IGH physicians and office staff regularly attend area trade shows and health fairs in order to educate the public about their practice and about general gastroenterological health.
Indy Gastro is affiliated with a private, non-profit research foundation and shares ownership of The Endoscopy Center at St. Francis with St. Francis Hospital. The center is located on the floor directly below the practice’s main office. The physicians allow medical students and family practice residents from Indiana University School of Medicine and IUPUI to rotate through their practice on a monthly basis, with some of the physicians working directly with the students and residents. They will also work with students from a new osteopathic medical school.