To cover your $430,000 salary, you would need to generate approximately 7,621 RVU’s.
To put it in perspective, if you were to generate 8,200 wRVU in a calendar year, you would earn productivity on 579 wRVU (379 would be at the Tier 2 rate of $58 and 200 would at the Tier 3 rate of $60) you will earn an additional $33,982 (379 x 58 = $21,982 and 200 x 60 = $12,000), bringing your yearly compensation to $463,982.
With the patient satisfaction incentive, you’re right around $475,000. These are private practice numbers. But who wants to deal with the administrative headaches of private practice? Here, you’ll have the freedom and autonomy of private practice all while being employed, plus NO STATE INCOME TAX!