Position Overview

Understanding the Role

This Pediatric Hospitalist role at St. Joseph's Medical Center involves covering the pediatric ward, well-baby nursery, and emergency room (ER) consults. The practice does not include deliveries, NICU care, or OB responsibilities, which is a major benefit for the team. The hospital's private Neonatology group manages neonatal procedures, including circumcisions. https://www.dignityhealth.org/central-california/locations/stjosephs-stockton/services/family-birth-center/neonatal-intensive-care

https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/uc-davis-childrens-hospital-brings-advanced-neonatal-care-to-stockton-region/2022/10 UC Davis Partnership with St. Joseph’s

The hospital offers a mix of day and night shifts, generally 12 hours long, spread over 12-14 shifts per month. Scheduling is flexible with allowance of stacking shifts upwards of 4-6 in a row, by the physician's request, with schedules arranged in three-month blocks, allowing for easy swapping among the team members The Pediatric Hospitalist group is a cohesive, multicultural team of five physicians, with an average age of 33-34 years old. 

  • Over 100,000 unique patient visits per year
  • Approximately 18-19% admission rate with 20-22% of those patients going to the ICU
  • Approximately 16-18% pediatric visits per year
  • STEMI, ROSC, and Stroke receiving center
  • Cerner
  • ED Pharmacist program

The pediatric unit sees an average daily census of 15 babies, but it can accommodate up to 25 babies. We have a "Flex" position physician who comes in for additional support at 1pm daily. This person can be asked to come in earlier than 1pm if the census is high. The unit/hospital is undergoing an exciting expansion currently and so we'll have more rooms soon. Additionally, physicians are provided with a call room for night shifts. Our group doesn't typically perform many procedures. The main procedure being lumbar punctures, but only when the ER cannot perform them.

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